"DFW Scrollers Minutes July 27, 2024 Dfwscrollers.net
Faye called the meeting to order at 9:30AM with 14 members present and no guests.
Treasurer Report Faye gave the treasurer report.
Minutes for the June 29 meeting were accepted by the members present as appearing on the dfwscrollers.net web page.
Faye, David Borg, Harmon, and Cynthia attended the demonstration given at the Plano Woodcraft store. They reported that the manager of the store was very supportive and gave them a space just inside the front door. The store provided a DeWalt Saw for use. David and Harmon brought their Hawk and Excaliber which gave the customers a view and use of the different makes of saws. Several customers, as well as employees, tried their hand at sawing. It was a fun day. One employee said that after the last demo, his 12 year old daughter tried sawing and since then has her own saw. She is now very adapt at cutting.
We discussed products for finishing. It was suggested to try Duracell Floor Finish which makes a very nice finish. We also discussed a fast drying product with polyurethane made by Minwax. Grover said this product eliminates having to spray your project. He applies several coats to give his projects a nice shine. This product comes in both satin and high gloss.
Grover showed us his 2 Christmas ornaments made by cutting all the pieces, and then attaching the components with the smaller pieces making 2 perfectly round projects. Quite unique and beautiful. The patterns from Alex Fox. He finishes each ball with different colored spray paint.
Bob carved 3 figures. He starts out with a block of wood and then carves the figures. He will finish the Christmas ornaments with paint.
David Atkins brought his cutting of a biplane. The pattern is by Dan Wilkins and appears in the most recent ScrollSaw Woodworking & Crafts Fall 2024 magazine. David said it took him about 25 hours of cutting using several different woods. I can say he did a beautiful job."
"Harmon Atkins used Sue Mey Patterns for compound cuts of mushrooms. He cut these at the demonstration at Plano Woodcraft last weekend. Several of the customers are interested in trying this technique. Harmon’s granddaughter is going to paint the projects.
Bobby Riggs brought a beautiful Dirk Bohlman cross. He also designed and cut a dog footprint using Christmas fabric as a backer on ¾ wood and the footprint was cut from ¼ in wood, painted and glued to backer. Very bright and gives us all the Christmas spirit.
Jo Ann brought a military plaque, as well as 2 trivets designed by Charles Hand. The trivets had both butterfly and dragonfly designs. She also brought smaller ornament size of the butterfly and dragonfly patterns.
Faye asked if anyone had ideas for a demo for August meeting. No response.
David Atkins will talk with Rockler and schedule a date for us to do a demonstration. Next meeting is August 31.
Bob McCary, Grover Pierce
Harmon Atkins, Jo Ann Wiggs
Faye Benezue, Lavern Howell
David Atkins, Cynthia Jordan
Bobby Riggs, Rus Weaver
Preston Vickery, Beverly Preston
Glen Edwards, Kirk Riley" |